Archaeological Baia Park Snorkelling Underwater Tours

Experience snorkelling excursions to explore the Archaeological Park of Baia from Naples, where you will swim back in time admiring perfectly preserved statues, mosaics and remains of Roman villas.

Observe from the surface, the underwater ruins of the ancient Roman city of Baia, often referred to as “the sunken Pompeii” an underwater version of Pompeii, and nowadays sometimes referred to as the Las Vegas of ancient Rome, a truly unique experience.

Our snorkeling excursions from Naples to Baia, will allow you to admire the different archeological underwater sites such as the famous Imperor Claudio’s Ninfeum, with the faithful copies of the original statues; the wonderful mosaics of Villa a Protiro or Villa Pisoni.

You can choose to take one or two excursions to admire different archeological underwater sites:

  • One excursion: has a duration of about 3 hours. The actual time of the water excursion is about 40-45 minutes.

  • Two excursions: have a duration of about 4 hours. The actual time of each water excursion is about 40-45 minutes.